Medications for Students in School
The medication form must be completed and signed by your physician in order for ANY medication to be administered in school on a routine basis (including over the counter medications). Medication must be supplied in the original or prescription container. Parents can request two containers from the pharmacist. At no time during the school day should students have medication of any kind in their possession or in their locker.
Discretionary Medications and Contact information
With parental consent, discretionary medications, such as acetaminophen, Benadryl, antacids, and cough drops can be administered to students in accordance with established BCPS protocols. These medications are intended for occasional use only, to alleviate minor discomforts and avoid early dismissals when possible.
The Consent for Administration of Discretionary Medications form is distributed at the beginning of each school year since it must be updated and signed annually. It also includes emergency contact information so it is imperative it is returned to the health office every year. (If your contact information changes please notify the school nurse ASAP by email: [email protected] or phone: 410-825-5287).